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Have Gut problems? Read here about the Solar Plexus Chakra.

Today I noticed something that was rather heartbreaking. I really suck my stomach in a lot and I have for a long time now. And since I've been working on the solar plexus chakra I've started to realize that I let breath go down to my stomach and expand my belly a lot more than I used to. However, I feel that I'm fat when I expand my stomach. I really don't want to do this anymore I want to let my solar plexus expand to the highest power that it can. I want to really connect to my solar plexus chakra. After all, it is our center. This is good work this is honest truth and I am excited to go on this journey of strengthening my solar plexus chakra.

Looking at many other yoga women it seems like their stomachs are so flat and everybody is super skinny. I do want my stomach to be flat and I want to have more range of motion. However, I want to do it out of a state of love for my body, not out of the state of comparison to others bodies. Connecting to the solar plexus chakra is that area where you feel that gut feeling. That is also known as your intuition and its really helpful when you can actually connect to the area. When it's not in Balance it's not good for anybody's health. For example, I had so many years of constipation (sorry if that's too much information) however, I truly believe it's because I was never connected to my solar plexus chakra. I believe that it was due to sucking in my stomach all those years and believing that my stomach was too big.

Now that I have been doing yoga, meditation and energy work I have found that I am regularly flowing everyday. And I feel so much lighter and like everything is in high definition.

For those of you that don't know what your solar plexus chakra is it is located in between your navel and spine. When it is balanced it Sparks your unique character and your personal capacities are ignited. Your talents begin to shine and you participate more wholeheartedly in life.

I got this next chunk of information about the solar plexus chakra from a book called yoga mind, peaceful mind simple meditations for overcoming Anxiety. It Is by Mary NurrieStearns and Rick Nurriestearns:

This chakra support your ability to listen to your gut instincts, it's a source of intuitive guidance that, when followed, enhances the quality of life yours as well as others. The illuminating light of the solar plexus chakra that helps you see your shame, self-protection, fear, and insecurity so that you do not pass on your pain to others. It also shows you what your deeper desires are so you know what to act on. And it lets you appreciate that everyone has unique value in potential. There are two distinct parts to the solar plexus chakra you have to know what you need and also act on it. Otherwise, you may know what you need to do but lack the ability to act on it or you may be able to act but not have inner Clarity, which can quickly set your life adrift.

Solar plexus Energy Center can be affected by trauma just like other energy centers in your body. Being shamed, tyrannize, or oppressed can unbalanced the solar plexus chakra. Those forms of emotional trauma rob you of personal authority, snuff out your love life, and make you believe the lie that you are unworthy.

Having the right amount of Fire in your belly lights up the best of your character and let your personality fill with warm, self-confidence, and the ability to do what matters most to you. If your fire is low you may feel insecure, find it hard to make decisions, and compare yourself negatively to others. If your fire rages, you may dominate others, have temper flares, and believe you are better than others. By balancing the chakra, you appreciate your unique abilities, yet understand that everyone has talent and that we are all together making their way through life.

I totally recommend this book for anyone wanting to better there daily quality of life. If you are interested in this amazing book here is the link:

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