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Lose Yourself

Sitting here in my space, looking around at the flow of objects and people and manifestations, I see that it is all a mirror of what is inside me. I'm sitting here trying to figure out what to write about this month that will really create an amazing vibration and ripple effect into the world. The only reason I ever write is to help others and to help myself. I believe everything that I put out into the world rather that be through my job, my music, my writing, my poetry, it all reflects back around me just like the law of karma or the law of attraction. We all know the law of whatever you put out comes back forth to you. It Was Written in the Bible, it's in Hinduism, it's in Buddhism, it's in almost all of the religions that I know of around the world. However, sometimes so many of us stay stuck in our ways of Darkness never truly understanding what it means to be in the light. When you spread light you get light back to you. “Our vision is be clouded and the pathway of our progress is obstructed until we become to know that God can and does Express as good in every person in every situation.” -Ernest Holmes This quote makes so much sense to me, because although we can't see the good in every person and in every situation God can and does. I recently listened to a podcast by Danielle Laporte that really opened my eyes to the good in every situation. She told a story about a little boy who always shouted out crazy noises, who always drove a wheelchair around, who always was followed by his caregiver. This little boy had cerebral palsy. The thing that she mentioned about this little boy was how we get so caught up in the bad. For all we know this little boy could be shouting because he's talking to the angels, he's always looking up because he can communicate with the skies in the trees and that's something that we're unable to do. Having this perspective on what we perceive as bad, and turning it into good is how we all could live our lives. With a playful intent of a child and the grace of a dancer. Living in such a way would create an amazing light inside which would then reflect to you through your outside circumstances like a mirror. However sometimes it's hard for so many of us to live in this way because we are so focused on the achievements and the manifestations of Life instead of the journey. The journey is exactly what is important. The Manifestations or the achievement is only an excuse for the journey. You cannot have a happy ending without a happy Journey. A book I'm reading called Meditations from the Matt by Rolf Gates and Katrina Kenison really help me to understand this concept. They spoke of the Oscars and how the younger actors and actresses were so happy to receive their reward and they think everybody for their reward. However, there were two recipients in their 80s that received lifetime achievement awards at the Oscars and they didn't reflect on their accomplishments or their triumphs. They spoke of their passionate love they had for their art and of the joy they felt at having been able to be of service. “In the Bhagavad Gita we are told that we transcend our suffering to the degree that we are able to passionately employee our gifts in the service of others.” As wise Elders it seems to be what these people winning these awards are telling us as well. Sometimes we forget that we are spirits driving a body, on a huge rock floating in space. Sometimes all we need to do is go to the nearest water and remember our place. Sometimes we look up at the sky and only care about where the stars came from instead of appreciating them for what they are, staring with ungrateful eyes. I feel the patriarchal eye roll to these statements, but if Society got it right then why are we constantly trying to change it? In this Jungle of computer screens and buildings and high-tech machines, we forgot that this world really is a magical place. It's a place for creation. Creation is all that exists here on this Earth so let us create what we love because God is love and we are God.

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